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Love In Strange Places Page 15

  “She is a fighter, but she may have suffered some brain damage during her flatline, only time will tell.”

  Sherry covered her mouth with her hand.

  “Can we see her?” Andrew asked.

  “Of course. She needs to feel her parents love.”

  Andrew helped Sherry off the bed and followed the doctor to the nursery. He held her hand as they went to see their little girl. She looked down and saw his knuckle was swollen, but decided not to ask.

  They both smiled, looking down at the incubator. “Natalie, thank you for hanging in,” Sherry placed her hand over her mouth and blew a kiss on it, and placed the gentle kiss on her baby’s tiny hand.

  “God, thank you for answering my prayers.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Sherry watched Andrew sleep in the chair beside her bed, his head contorted to rest on the mattress. The doctor had come in earlier to tell them she would be released tomorrow and that Nathaniel might be able to go home a couple of days later. She didn’t want to leave her babies alone in the hospital, but Andrew convinced her it was time. He reassured her he would bring her to the hospital every day.

  She lifted her hand, moving it into his hair. She missed everything about him, even his corny jokes. “I love you too,” she whispered. She noticed his hand was still slightly bruised and wondered how he’d gotten the injury.

  He needed his rest. He’d been with her almost nonstop, up until four days ago when he’d disappeared for a few hours.

  Someone knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” she said, trying not to wake him. The nurse appeared with Nathaniel in her hands. She covered her mouth with her hand surprised to see her baby. Every time she wanted to see him, she had to go to the NICU. “This is a wonderful surprise.”

  “I have someone who wants to say hi.” The nurse stepped farther into the room.

  “Nathaniel,” Sherry said, extending her hands as a tear ran down her cheek.

  The nurse gently placed the baby in her arms, and she kissed his forehead. “I love you.” She played with his fingers as the nurse left quietly.

  “You’re perfect.” She kissed him again. “We’re going let Daddy sleep a little longer. He’ll be so surprised when he wakes up and sees you.” The baby made cooing sounds. “My miracle.” He squeezed her finger with his. “You’re getting so strong.” And so was Natalie. Her lungs were getting stronger with the medicine they were giving her.

  Nathaniel began whining, and let out a loud cry, startling his dad awake.

  “Hello, sleepyhead,” she said, taking the baby’s hand and waving hello to Andrew.

  His smile was big, from ear to ear. “Hi, Nate.”

  “Nate,” she said, rocking him.

  “Yes, my son’s nickname.” He touched his son’s cheek with his index finger. “Nathaniel Xavier and Natalie Sky.”

  She smiled. “I like.”

  The baby fell asleep and lips trembled, making his parents laugh.

  “What was that?” Andrew asked.

  “You do it when you’re sleeping, too.”

  “No I don’t,” he said. Their gazes locked.

  “What happened to your hand?” she asked, looking at his knuckle.

  “I handled Dean.”

  “What did you do?”

  “If you’re asking if I killed him, the answer is no. But he wont be bothering you anymore.” He cupped her face. “You should’ve come to me. I would’ve handled Dean.”

  She looked down at their baby. “I thought I could take care of it on my own, and I didn’t want you to think less of me, but that backfired.”

  “Why would you try to handle things on your own? That’s what I’m here for.” He turned her face. “You should’ve believed in me.”

  “After everything that happened between us.”

  “If you would’ve told me what he was doing to you from the beginning, everything that happened between us wouldn’t have. You should know I would always be there for you.”

  “I never cheated on you. I just met him to drop off the money, nothing more.” They stared at each other.

  “Deep down, I knew you wouldn’t cheat on me, but I lost it in a moment of anger. I love you so much that the thought of someone else’s hands on your body made me crazy.” He caressed her neck. “I should’ve thought before acting, but when I did, you wouldn’t take me back. Sherry, please forgive me.” He caressed her cheek as she moved forward to him. Their lips met in a feather-light kiss.

  The sound of a knock on the door interrupted them. Dewayne entered.

  She smiled when she saw him enter with blue and pink roses.

  “Dewayne, those are beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you like them.” He laid them on the table to her right.

  She turned the baby to show him. “Nathaniel, this is my friend Dewayne.” She looked up at him.

  “Hey, little man.” He touched his hand.

  Andrew cleared his throat and stood. “Can I hold my son?” He gently took him from Sherry, and kissed his forehead. “I love you.” Andrew moved away from Sherry and Dewayne.

  “Nathaniel looks like you,” Dewayne told Sherry.

  She beamed. “I know, except for his eyes and skin tone.”

  He sat and taking her hand, kissing it. “I’m so happy you guys are doing well.”

  “Where have you been?” she asked.

  “I wanted to give you some space.”


  “Last time I was here, you weren’t too happy with me.”

  She smiled. “Dewayne, I wasn’t mad at you.”

  “Sherry, you mean the world to me.” He kissed her hand again.

  Andrew just glared at them. The baby began crying and he smiled, whispering, “Nice timing, Nate.” He continued crying and Andrew tried to rock him but he was getting louder.

  Sherry stretched her arms out and wordlessly, he placed the baby in her arms.

  She rocked him and picked up the baby bottle and began feeding him. “You poor thing, you were hungry,” she said, kissing his hand.

  Andrew observed his wife and son. This was what had been missing from his life. He couldn’t let Dewayne win. “I’m going to check on Natalie.” He stepped out of the room.

  “Sherry, I missed you,” Dewayne said.

  She looked at him, not knowing what to say as she fed her baby. Dewayne had barely crossed her mind since she’d had the baby.

  “Do you feel anything for me?” He caressed her arm.

  “Dewayne, you’re such a great friend.”

  He pulled back his hand. “Friend? I want more.”

  “I can’t give you more right now.” She gazed at her beautiful son.


  He was cut off when Shannon and Matt entered the room.

  Shannon took long strides to the bed. “Hi, Nathaniel.” She gently took him from her sister’s arms, and began burping him. “Oh my God, you’re so sweet.” She kissed him. “You smell so good.”

  Matt came up behind her, and touched his nephew’s tiny hands. “Hey, I’m Tio Matt.”

  “Hi, Dewayne,” Shannon offered.

  “I’m here too.” Sherry crossed her arms.

  Matt strolled over to her side and hugged and kissed his sister-in-law’s cheek. “How you feeling, sis?”

  “Can’t be happier. Nate will be released soon and Natalie is getting stronger.”

  Dewayne stood. “Do you need me to pick you up tomorrow?”

  “Thank you, but Shannon will.” She gave Shannon the look that said, “follow my lead”.

  “Oh, okay. Can I come over tomorrow?”

  She nodded.

  “We need to talk.” He left the room without looking back.

  Andrew saw Dewayne leave her hospital room and entered. Matt was holding Nate; Shannon was telling Sherry all the things she’d bought, with Andrew’s credit card, for the baby’s room at his house.

  Sherry’s met Andrew’s gaze.

  Matt kissed the
baby’s head. “I dropped off the bassinet. We had the furniture store add pink and blue lace trimming around it. I think they both can fit in it.”

  “Thank you, Matt. I never thought I would use that thing.” Andrew touched Nate’s tiny hands.

  “Why did you guys take everything to his house?” Sherry asked, crossing her hands.

  “It’s my fault. I was hoping you and Nate could stay at my house until Natalie is released.” He gazed at her, waiting for her to get smart and say no.

  But she surprised him. “I would love that. My place isn’t ready yet.”

  Matt and Shannon looked at each other and smiled.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Sherry and Andrew took turns with their children: one stayed home with Nathaniel while the other visited Natalie. Andrew looked through the glass window where his baby lay. His lips began curling up into a smile as he thought of how blessed he was. His twins were alive. Both babies had gained weight. Nathaniel was now up to five pounds and had gone home a week ago. Natalie was four pounds eight ounces. She would be going home in about another month if her lungs got stronger and she could breathe without the help of the machines.

  He left Sherry and their son at his house. He wanted to be there when they removed all of Natalie’s tubes.

  The nurse finally removed the covers from her eyes and then, one by one, the tubes. Andrew could finally she her beautiful face. She’d stolen his heart the moment she’d been born, but nothing could have prepared him for this.

  He smiled as he memorized her face. All this time her true beauty had been hidden. Natalie had his brown hair, his nose, lips, chin, and cheeks. She hadn’t opened her eyes yet, but his little girl was all him, right down to her fingers and toes.


  Two months later

  Sherry and Andrew stayed out of each other’s way. He wanted to give her time to come back to him, so he decided to back down. He went back to work and Sherry took an extended leave from work. She planned to move out his home, and into her apartment soon. Two weeks, she’d said. He wanted her and their babies to stay, but he wouldn’t pressure her.

  There was a knock on his front door, and Sherry answered it with Nate in her arms. It was Dewayne with a grin on his face.

  What the hell is he doing here?

  Sherry placed the baby in the bassinet and sat with Dewayne. He gently grasped her hand and got down on one knee.

  They didn’t seem to realize he could watch them from his position in the kitchen.

  “Sherry, will you marry me?”

  Andrew’s glass of water almost dropped out his hands, but he caught it. His face began to burn. This man has some fucking nerve, coming into my home and proposing to my woman. He wanted to make a scene but decided against it and tiptoed out.

  He opened Natalie’s room door to find she was wide-awake, looking at her spinning mobile. “Hey, muñeca de chocolate.” He picked her up and carried her to his bedroom, lay her down on the bed, and began playing with her. “Daddy wont give up.”

  She gave him one of her huge smile, showing her gums, and his heart melted like always. She was all him, from her hair to her smile, except for her eyes and skin. Natalie had hazel eyes, breaking the Johnston stamp legacy, and her skin was milk chocolate in color. She was definitely daddy’s little girl. “Mommy is going to be really mad when she learns our little secret.”

  She began giggling.

  “Te quiero, mi muñeca linda.” He rubbed his nose against hers. “Mi angel, te prometo que tu mama y papa van a estar juntos.”


  “Sherry, will you marry me?” asked Dewayne.

  “Dewayne,” she breathed, looking at the ring and then back at him. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m proposing.”

  “I know that! Get up.” She pulled him up and he sat next to her, closing the box. “Dewayne, why are you really doing this?” She grabbed his hand. “It’s only been a few months since you came back into my life.”

  He gazed at her. “I know, but I already know you, and I made a mistake so long ago. I just want to make it right.”

  “You know the old Sherry. You don’t really know this new me.”

  “I loved you then and I love you now.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I love you too, but not in that way. I love you as a friend.”

  He gently cupped her face. “Why can’t you give us a chance?”

  She placed her hands over his. “Because I’m still in love with Andrew.”

  He removed his hands from her face. “He hurt you.”

  “You’re right, but I’m not innocent. The secret I kept put everything in motion.” She got up, putting distance between them. “As you recall, you hurt me too. You chose your work over me, and I don’t blame you because at that time in my life I would’ve done the same.”

  “So what are you saying?”

  “I will never see you more than just a friend. What we had was years ago, at a different time in my life.”

  He sighed. “Are you going back with him?”

  “I really don’t know.”

  He got up and put her hand in his. “You deserve happiness, and if he makes you happy, that’s all that matters.”

  “I hope you’re not mad at me.” She caressed the side of his face.

  “I would never be mad at you for telling me the truth. Andrew is a lucky man.” He kissed her cheek.


  “Always.” He hugged her tight. “I will always be here for you. If he slips again, I’ll be right here waiting.”

  She hugged him back. “You better not…I saw the way Miriam has been watching you.”

  She pulled back and he walked over to Nathaniel. “See you, little man.” He turned. “And I’ll see you at work.”

  Sherry couldn’t believe what had just happened. She picked up her baby boy and headed upstairs to find her little girl and her man. My man. She’d finally realized she was to blame, too, but what really hurt her the most was that Andrew had divorced her without a fight.

  She strolled into his room, knowing she would find them there. They were both asleep. They looked just alike, making her smile. She laid Nate next to his sister and then she laid down, and eventually fell asleep as well.

  Natalie woke him up with her loud crying.

  Andrew jumped and stared at his family, and smiled.

  Sherry was already getting up with Natalie in her arms. “Hello, sleepyhead. I’ll be right back.” She turned and left the room.

  He tickled and played with his giggling son.

  After a few minutes Sherry returned feeding Natalie.

  “Hey,” he said, sitting up. “Should congratulations be in order?”

  She stared at him. “Congratulations for what?”

  “Your engagement to that punk.” He picked his son up. “Papito.” He kissed his neck, “you’re always so happy.”

  “You’re spying on me?” she asked.

  “I wasn’t spying on you, I just happened to overhear the proposal.” He stood. “But I don’t see a ring on your finger, so that means you’re thinking about it, or you know he is not the one for you.”

  “Why don’t you just ask what you want to know?”

  He gazed into her eyes. “Are you getting married to Dewayne?”

  “No. I don’t love him. I never stopped loving someone else.”

  They gazed at each other.

  “Nice to know.” Andrew exited his room.

  Sherry was confused. He’d practically disappeared just after she’d told him she wanted him back. “Isn’t this what he wanted?” she asked Natalie, and smiled. “Your daddy wants to play games? Then it’s on.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  It was late at night and Andrew was taking a shower when Sherry entered his room wearing a black little teddy.

  Her tummy had gone down and she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She rubbed her thighs and ass. I could lose a couple more pounds.

�� He startled her, standing in his towel, gawking at her. “You look amazing.”

  She swallowed and watched him. His towel was already tented, meaning he still found her attractive. She couldn’t stop staring at his body. It always took her breath away. She smiled and stepped in front of him. “Andrew, we need to talk.”

  “With you wearing that? I wont be able to concentrate.”

  “I miss you, Andrew.”

  He cupped her face. “Baby, I miss you too.” He moved forward and started kissing her lips.

  Her breathing sped up and she opened slightly, letting him in. Their tongues met after months of being separated. She took control and kissed him hungrily.

  Andrew leaned back, gazing at her. “Sherry, I can’t do one night. I want forever.”

  She placed her hands around his neck. “I want forever with you,” she said against his lips. “I want us.”

  He smiled and moved away. “Meet me in the living room in fifteen minutes.” He grabbed some shorts and disappeared.

  She was hot and horny and again, he’d just run out of the room. What the hell is he up to? But she wasn’t about to chase after him.

  It was the longest fifteen minutes of her life.

  Pulling on a silk robe, she strode into the living room. She burst out laughing and immediately covered her mouth, not wanting to wake the babies.

  The room was dim. He’d scattered rose petals on the floor and lit a couple of candles. The twins were in their car seats on the sofa, wearing perfectly clean white onesies. He must have changed them.

  She stepped forward and saw her wedding band on Nathaniel’s big toe, and the wedding ring Andrew had given her for their anniversary on Natalie’s big toe. She leaned over to grab the rings and saw the writing on their clothes.

  Nate’s onesie said “I love you now and forever” and Nat’s said “But I have a secret”. She stepped back. What secret?

  Their song played in the background, and Andrew circled his hands around her waist and kissed her neck.